Comments on: Car Seat Caution Sun, 08 Jun 2008 05:45:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Mommy Blawger The Mommy Blawger Sat, 09 Dec 2006 17:20:29 +0000 My thought is that the angle of a carseat when it is in the car is different from that when it is taken out and placed on the floor. The article I read said that only one of the nine was a preemie, but that 5/9 moms were smokers! My thought is that the angle of a carseat when it is in the car is different from that when it is taken out and placed on the floor.

The article I read said that only one of the nine was a preemie, but that 5/9 moms were smokers!

By: jmanty jmanty Fri, 08 Dec 2006 22:46:15 +0000 The conclusion I drew from it was more about bringing the car seat in and letting the child sleep in it for hours, which I know some parents do. I think it also only would apply to very young infants-- who should be nursing every couple of hours, anyway. The conclusion I drew from it was more about bringing the car seat in and letting the child sleep in it for hours, which I know some parents do. I think it also only would apply to very young infants– who should be nursing every couple of hours, anyway.

By: Mother of 4 kids Mother of 4 kids Fri, 08 Dec 2006 22:33:33 +0000 Well now what are we supposed to do when we are travelling....wake the kids up so they can scream?? Or are we supposed to take 3 days to drive to Grandmas? This is CRAZY! Obviously if you have a child with breathing problems you need to pay attention to them but the majority of kids are FINE in a car seat. Studies show things all the time and later the recommendations are reversed by a different study.... Don't go overboard with this one folks it is based on all of NINE kids!! And they were preemies!! Gimmee a break! Well now what are we supposed to do when we are travelling….wake the kids up so they can scream?? Or are we supposed to take 3 days to drive to Grandmas? This is CRAZY! Obviously if you have a child with breathing problems you need to pay attention to them but the majority of kids are FINE in a car seat. Studies show things all the time and later the recommendations are reversed by a different study…. Don’t go overboard with this one folks it is based on all of NINE kids!! And they were preemies!! Gimmee a break!
