Comments on: Homeopathics fare poorly in study Sun, 08 Jun 2008 05:45:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: candace candace Wed, 14 Sep 2005 16:52:08 +0000 We use the coldcalm and oscisillo when flu and colds hit. This, with no refined sugar, echinacea, healthy organic foods, lots of rest and lovin - we can knock out germs so fast that literally there have been 1 day colds or half day flu bugs. Recently a family who lived with us for a month moved in with 4 very sick children who each had a high fever for 5 days. Our 3 year old caught the bug and whipped thru it in 30 hours. Our 7 year old who played with the sick children in close quarters never caught it at all. Like you, I don't know how effective homeopathic remedies are but I know mixed with all the other things I mentioned, that we keep pretty healthy around here. which causes me to wonder who the study was done on - were these day care and public school mass vaccinated children/adults with a diet of twinkies and spaghetti-o's? I would think even that homeopathic remedies, being more delicate, need a balanced strong immune system to have a good chance of working. Just my thought. We use the coldcalm and oscisillo when flu and colds hit. This, with no refined sugar, echinacea, healthy organic foods, lots of rest and lovin – we can knock out germs so fast that literally there have been 1 day colds or half day flu bugs. Recently a family who lived with us for a month moved in with 4 very sick children who each had a high fever for 5 days. Our 3 year old caught the bug and whipped thru it in 30 hours. Our 7 year old who played with the sick children in close quarters never caught it at all. Like you, I don’t know how effective homeopathic remedies are but I know mixed with all the other things I mentioned, that we keep pretty healthy around here. which causes me to wonder who the study was done on – were these day care and public school mass vaccinated children/adults with a diet of twinkies and spaghetti-o’s? I would think even that homeopathic remedies, being more delicate, need a balanced strong immune system to have a good chance of working. Just my thought.
