Comments on: Breastfeeding mom ticketed Sun, 08 Jun 2008 05:45:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kerrie Kerrie Tue, 09 Aug 2005 13:44:51 +0000 Good heavens...genitals...??? Last time I looked mine weren't on my chest. Why are people so uptight about a flash of flesh...??? All breastfeeding mothers I know are discreet about skin I am sure this woman's not as if they do it to (pardon the pun here) titillate...they are using their breasts for the purpose for which they were nourish and nurture their babies. I truly rue the day when breasts became sex organs. Good heavens…genitals…??? Last time I looked mine weren’t on my chest.

Why are people so uptight about a flash of flesh…??? All breastfeeding mothers I know are discreet about skin exposure…as I am sure this woman was…it’s not as if they do it to (pardon the pun here) titillate…they are using their breasts for the purpose for which they were intended…to nourish and nurture their babies. I truly rue the day when breasts became sex organs.

By: Amy Amy Tue, 02 Aug 2005 03:26:11 +0000 What an ignoramus that park official was. Breasts aren't genitals anyway. Just for clarification, I looked it up in my real, paper dictionary: "Genital, jen'i-tal, a. [L. genitalis, from gigno, genitum, to beget. GENUS.] Pertaining to generation or the act of begetting." Since breasts are not directly involved in the creation of babies, they are not genitals. The only way that woman could have exposed her genitals was if she was nursing entirely naked. What an ignoramus that park official was. Breasts aren’t genitals anyway. Just for clarification, I looked it up in my real, paper dictionary:

“Genital, jen’i-tal, a. [L. genitalis, from gigno, genitum, to beget. GENUS.] Pertaining to generation or the act of begetting.”

Since breasts are not directly involved in the creation of babies, they are not genitals. The only way that woman could have exposed her genitals was if she was nursing entirely naked.

By: Manda Manda Sat, 30 Jul 2005 07:42:05 +0000 I don't know what's worse. The citation, or the fact that a woman issued it. Sounds like the park guards/officials/rangers (?) were on the look out for breastfeeding mothers. Almost as though they were anticipating it and hoping to make an example out of the whole deal. *shakes head* Just plain ignorant. I don’t know what’s worse. The citation, or the fact that a woman issued it. Sounds like the park guards/officials/rangers (?) were on the look out for breastfeeding mothers. Almost as though they were anticipating it and hoping to make an example out of the whole deal.

*shakes head*

Just plain ignorant.

By: jmanty jmanty Fri, 29 Jul 2005 15:31:32 +0000 Now, there's a reason to have a nurse-in! Genitals??? That doesn't even make sense. Now, there’s a reason to have a nurse-in! Genitals??? That doesn’t even make sense.
